SSO is the Swiss Society of Odonto -Stomatology . It is the umbrella organization for dentists operating on the entire territory of the Federal Government and includes the vast majority of private dental offices. It employs more than 5,000 members.
It ensures compliance with professional ethics as described in its statutes and code of ethics, positions itself as a recognized among health authorities and political partner , and takes its corporate mission through its members .
SSO ‘s goals are to promote :
SSO is an association operating on a federalist model that comprises twenty cantonal sections with a degree of autonomy respecting their specificities.
Conduct in the SSO is provided by its own members as a militia system . Its governing body is the Central Committee consists of seven members based on their staffs ( secretarial services, press and information ) , its committees and delegates from cantonal sections. Its tasks are subdivided into departments . SSO uses external experts when special technical skills required .
This structure allows SSO to have a dynamic policy and is a consistent advocacy for patients and members. It allows to constantly update the scientific knowledge of the profession for the benefit of its members in their daily practice.
Patient Advocate :
SSO is working to promote quality dentistry . Its prevention campaigns aimed at preventing oral diseases and thus directly benefit the population.
In this area , SSO
In favor of dentists :
Professional Policy
In collaboration with universities and sister associations, SSO agrees that new therapeutic concepts can be introduced after proper validation . It thus meets the requirements of its members in the field continual training.
Corporate Policy
SSO implements an uniform and consistent professional policy on a national level, while taking into consideration the management of a dental office.
In this area , the SSO
• represents the interests of dentists toward politics , health authorities and the public
• strives to maintain the reputation of the profession to the public
• informs its members through the Swiss Monthly Review of Odonto-Stomatology and Internum ( internal information for members )
• participates in the training and development of the dental team
• publishes for its members guidelines for hygiene
• provides support to its members in the management of dental practice
• provides a range of services in the field of professional insurance
• advises its members for any professional legal issue
• manages international relations.
It is an active member of the International Dental Federation (FDI ) and its regional organization for Europe ( ORE) .
Postgraduate Training
SSO ensures that dentists getting their federal diploma are helped to open their offices. It also handles the organization of courses leading to the award of four specialist titles recognized at the federal level : orthodontics, periodontics , oral surgery and reconstructive dentistry. It is the same for all four SSO certificates postgraduate training : general dentistry, pediatric dentistry , endodontics , preventive and restorative dentistry.
(more information on , Occupations dental office , dentist )